SANDULLI A., L'Università da sistema a mercato, 2021

Data Documento: 2021-01-01
Autori: Aldo Sandulli
Autorità Emanante: Munus, n. 1, 2021, pp. 289-298
Area: Dottrina

The essay analyzes the issue of the legal status of non-State universities from the point of view of the recent rulings of the administrative judge. It starts from the presentation of the transformations that have taken place in recent years, then it points out how the rules of private law are fully compatible with the public law discipline of the university system, and finally, it focuses on the changes that could instead give rise to pathologies.  Following this path, the paper underlines the critical issues that [#OMISSIS#] arise from the eligibility conditions of for-profit purposes in non-state universities, elements that could lead to the “marketization” of the entire university system.

(Dall’abstract a cura dell’Autore)